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Oct 05, 2018

An American Success Story: Mill Steel Co. Praised by Vice President Pence

Photo of Mill Steel Team and Vice President Pence

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (September 18, 2018) – Mill Steel Co., one of the nation’s largest distributors of flat-rolled carbon steel, welcomed Vice President Mike Pence, Governor Rick Snyder, and Congressman Bill Huizenga to its headquarters in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Vice President Mike Pence along with Second Lady of the United States, Karen Pence, toured the steel service center and met with associates from Mill Steel’s production team.

Shortly after, he delivered a speech on economic growth and the current job market, specifically the recent boom in the manufacturing sector. He quoted the U.S. Census Bureau that in the last year and a half, more than 378,000 manufacturing jobs have been added to the economy, including 14,000 manufacturing jobs in Michigan. He went on to discuss the correlation between the uptick in manufacturing and the strength of the steel industry.

The Vice President also spoke on the impact of federal tax cuts, praising Mill Steel for giving 400 of its full-time associates a $1,000 bonus as a result of the tax cuts passed by Congress and signed by the President.

“This is a fantastic company. This company and all of you represent really the backbone of American business,” said Pence.

David Samrick, Mill Steel CEO and Chairman, and second-generation leader of Mill Steel, also spoke about the company’s success.

“I know my mother Edith and my father Harry, the founders of Mill Steel, are looking down and smiling right now, marveling at all of you and what we’ve all accomplished together,” said Samrick.

In light of the recent tax savings, Mill Steel purchased land to expand operations at its Melvindale, MI location. The company also recently purchased a 33,000 square-foot building nearby its current headquarters and production facility on 36th Street. The building, a part of Centennial Commercial Park, will serve as Mill Steel’s new corporate office and is undergoing major renovations. Associates are expected to make the move to the new office in early 2019.

The Vice President closed by paying tribute to the late Amway co-founder Rich DeVos in light of his passing earlier in the week, noting the unforgettable mark he left on West Michigan through his legacy and generosity.