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Quick Steel Supply When You Need It Most

The Rapid Response program prioritizes shipping product within 48 hours to customers in emergency situations. Production machine time is reserved for such situations. If we have the steel, we make it happen, and fast. 

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Need Steel Now?

Click the button below to send us your urgent steel request. A member of the Mill Steel team will reach out within five minutes to confirm and advise further.  

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About Rapid Response

Mill Steel’s Rapid Response Program was created in the 1980’s and although our processes have evolved to better serve modern day steel buyers – the guarantee to quickly ship quality product remains steadfast. This service is available to current and new customers in any of the industries we serve. Once a request for quote is submitted, through our Rapid Response email, our dedicated team will review inventory and production schedules, and quickly provide a price. We stand behind delivery within 48 hours, even as soon as same day delivery.  

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